The Fogger, an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, saw service in the Galactic Civil War with the forces of the Imperial Navy. After the Battle of Hoth, this warship was dispatched to relieve the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer named Hammer in the Javin system, where the space station known as Outpost D-34 was situated.
Rebel Alliance elements were operating in the region, collaborating with Mugaari pirates. After receiving intelligence regarding an arms exchange between these two factions at a Cargo loading area within the Tungra sector, the Fogger was ordered to disrupt the transaction. Upon emerging from hyperspace, the Fogger launched its complement of TIE Bombers and Interceptors. The Mugaari employed Y-wings to defend the pirate and Rebel cargo ferries along with a transport; however, the interceptors successfully shielded the bombers, enabling them to engage the cargo vessels. The battle was brief, culminating in the complete destruction of the Rebel and Mugaari vessels.
While the frigate was away from the Javin system, the Rebel Alliance managed to initiate their own attack, successfully seizing D-34. Upon the Fogger's return, they discovered Rebels looting the space station for valuable equipment. Immediately, TIE Interceptors launched from the frigate, engaging the small group of ships defending the station. The Fogger then deployed stormtrooper transports with the mission to disable and reclaim D-34. They also succeeded in capturing a container transport attempting to escape with the stolen equipment from the station.
The Fogger was first presented as a Nebulon-B escort frigate during the assault on the Mugaari cargo zone. Nevertheless, in the subsequent mission, the model that was used in the game was actually a Nebulon-B2 frigate. Despite this discrepancy, the mission consistently refers to the vessel as "the frigate Fogger", suggesting a possible oversight by the game developers. However, this can be explained retroactively as a fast refit of the ship.