Forsythia Jin

Forsythia Jin, known by the moniker "Assassin Queen," held the title of Queen, was a female human, and ruled over the planet of Hynestia. She was also the mother of Princess Rinetta Gan.


Following the death of her mother, Forsythia Jin took all necessary actions to secure her ascension to the throne. Rumors circulated that she had tracked down and personally eliminated all twelve of her siblings. However, the truth was that she interpreted the rules of Hynestia as only requiring those with a claim to the throne and residing on Hynestia to engage in a battle to the death. Jin simply arranged for her siblings to be relocated off-planet and threatened to initiate a duel should they attempt to return.

She bore a daughter, Rinetta Gan, with whom she frequently traveled throughout Wild Space. After claiming the throne, she brokered an agreement with the Galactic Empire to exchange gherlian fur for her planet's autonomy.

Forsythia Jin visited her daughter in her private chambers, delivering the news that her instructor, Zel Gris, had attempted to abscond with the Solstice Globe from the Hynestian treasury and had successfully fled. The queen informed her daughter that she had dispatched the Hynestian Royal Guard and bounty hunters to locate the Lynna. Subsequently, a guard arrived and reported that Gris had been located at the Frozen Kova cantina. Jin and her daughter then proceeded to confront Gris.

Upon arriving at the cantina, Jin confronted Landonis Balthazar Calrissian, who was being detained alongside Gris. The queen introduced herself and provided an explanation for their detention. After ordering Gris's imprisonment in the Hynestian royal dungeon, she shifted her focus to Calrissian. She accused him of smuggling purple glandis flower juice and decreed that he would be executed by being fed to the Gran Kovali. However, Jin reconsidered her decision when her daughter proposed that Calrissian be entrusted with the delivery of the Solstice Globe to the Empire, as the Hynestians' customary tribute of gherlian fur had been stolen.

Discovering that her daughter had secretly boarded the Millennium Falcon, Jin, accompanied by her royal guard, pursued the ship to Neral's moon. She boarded the freighter and discharged her weapon at a droid bounty hunter that posed a threat to L3-37. The queen awaited Calrissian's return and overheard him informing Princess Gan that he would not deliver the Globe. Expressing her disappointment, she took the smuggler into custody and confiscated his ship and L3-37. Jin dismissed all attempts at explanation and instructed Twyla to affix a restraining bolt to the droid.

Upon returning to Hynestia, the queen incarcerated Calrissian in the dungeon and then visited her daughter in her chambers. She inquired as to why her daughter had secretly boarded Calrissian's ship. Gan explained to her mother that she was observing the custom of Gherjnuthal and requested to be released from confinement to her room. The queen granted her request, but stipulated that the princess be accompanied by a guard, Wyllys, and that she refrain from approaching the docking bays and the dungeon.

Jin was present in a hangar on Hynestia when the Falcon returned from Livno III. She greeted her daughter upon her disembarkation from the freighter. She was attired in her training gear and carried a blaster, which led the princess to speculate whether her mother was preparing to pursue the Falcon. The queen listened to her daughter's explanation that she had stolen the Solstice Globe to use as bait to attract the thieves responsible for stealing the tribute of gherlian fur. While remaining skeptical, she welcomed her daughter back and instructed her guards to remove the fur from the freighter and prepare it for shipment to the Empire. During the unloading process, one of the guards discovered a space rock that had been given to Calrissian by the Lynna. The queen examined it and informed the smuggler that it was a fragment of kakaorzum, which held immense value. She threatened to seize it to cover his fines for smuggling, but ultimately decided to allow him to retain it. She also instructed the guards to disregard any other contraband discovered on the freighter. She instructed Calrissian and L3-37 to depart the planet immediately and never return.

At a later time, the Empire made the decision to seize Hynestia. Queen Jin mounted a formidable resistance, but ultimately the Empire prevailed. Upon taking control of the planet, they found it deserted, save for burned-out gherlian fur domes, a city overrun by kova, and a hologram message from Jin expressing her contempt for the Empire. She led her people to safety on Livno III and retired to a tranquil existence on Neral's moon. She resided there anonymously until her death.

