Frangella pie, a dish served at Freerago's Satellite Diner and Motel, a diner in satellite form that orbited Hosnian Prime, a planet. Both humans and Artiodacs found the dish to be edible. An Imperial admiral, Ruas Fastent, placed an order for frangella pie and cabbage in 7 ABY, commenting on his specific reason for wanting the two [foods](/article/foodstuff] together. After experiencing a delay in its arrival, he expressed his dissatisfaction to a waitress working at the diner, who told him she had inquired with the kitchen droids on multiple occasions, but without success.
Strono Tuggs, an Artiodac chef, shared his thoughts on the diner's frangella pie in his The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook in 34 ABY; he considered the pie to be only acceptable, which made the high quality of the establishment's Fritzle Fries all the more unexpected.
The novel Last Shot, penned by Daniel José Older in 2018, contained the first reference to frangella pie.