Freedom's Winter

"Freedom's Winter" marks the inaugural episode of the radio drama adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back. Its initial broadcast occurred on National Public Radio on the date of February 14, specifically in the year 1983. The narrative of this episode commences shortly before the timeline of events depicted in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. A significant portion of the episode unfolds on the icy planet of Hoth, illustrating the Rebel Alliance's endeavors to establish their base, Echo Base. Additional scenes are set within the Derra system and onboard an Imperial Star Destroyer.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

The episode begins with Commander "Boss" Narra, who leads Renegade Flight, issuing commands to his squadron as they provide an escort for their convoy near the planetary body known as Derra IV. He cautions them to remain vigilant for potential Imperial vessel encounters. Predictably, a substantial wave of TIE fighters materializes from all directions, initiating a comprehensive assault. The fighters and transport vessels attempt to respond, but none manage to engage their lightspeed drives in time to escape. The entire fleet suffers complete annihilation, fighters included.

In a separate location, an officer delivers news of the aforementioned battle to the Imperial Captain Needa. Instead of being pleased, Needa expresses frustration that his probe droids have failed to uncover any meaningful Rebel activity. The victory at Derra IV only heightens his concern that the conflict might conclude before he can achieve any significant accomplishments. Prior to deploying the next wave of droids, Needa informs the officer that Darth Vader has transmitted updated directives to be incorporated into their programming: the primary objective is now the location of Luke Skywalker and the Millennium Falcon.

On the frozen world of Hoth, Rebel officers convene to assess the progress of the Echo Base construction, notably Lieutenant Commander Skywalker's efforts in deploying sensors for a regional alert network. Cold-weather supplies are critically low. General Rieekan assures them that the situation will improve with the arrival of the expected convoy. As the meeting adjourns, Luke approaches Princess Leia to initiate a conversation, but their interaction is promptly interrupted by Han Solo and Chewbacca, who express their dissatisfaction with the sluggish pace of repairs to the Millennium Falcon. This irritates Leia and Luke, who challenge Han's dedication to the Rebel cause.

Rieekan returns and informs Luke and Leia that he has just received an incoming message detailing the catastrophic events that transpired at Derra IV. This development will deprive the base of its desperately needed supplies and reinforcements. Rieekan immediately elevates Luke to the rank of Commander; his Rogue Flight will now bear the primary responsibility for the base's defense. Luke attempts to request additional technicians for the Falcon on Han's behalf, but Rieekan refrains from making any promises. As Luke laments the loss of Boss, Leia quietly reassures him, stating, "We need you more than ever now."

Luke and Han embark on a mission using tauntauns to deploy more early warning sensors. Luke's mount is visibly agitated. Han mentions having encountered a carcass resembling the work of a wampa ice creature. As Han returns to base, Luke delays to investigate what appears to be a meteor impact site. He is ambushed as the scene concludes.

Back at Echo Base, Leia inquires of See-Threepio whether Luke and Han have returned; he and Artoo-Detoo inform her that they have not. Subsequently, they encounter the base's coordinator droid, who notifies them of their reassignment - Threepio to the communications center and Artoo to excavation duties within the ice caverns. Threepio indignantly informs the coordinator that both he and Artoo serve as personal aides to Commander Skywalker and Princess Leia, prompting the droid to rescind the reassignment. Threepio further complains that the temperature within Leia's quarters had been unbearably cold until they adjusted the heating system, at which point the coordinator warns them that this action could potentially cause the walls to melt. Threepio and Artoo hurriedly depart to rectify their mistake.

Luke awakens to find himself suspended upside down within the wampa's lair. His comlink is non-functional. Luke uses the Force to summon his lightsaber to his hand, and with it, he frees himself and eliminates the wampa. Stranded without survival equipment or a tauntaun, he attempts to walk back to base.

Han arrives back at Echo Base. He checks on Chewbacca, who is diligently working - alone - on the repairs to the Falcon. Back outside, an exhausted and disoriented Luke witnesses the spirit of Ben Kenobi. Luke initially questions the reality of what he is seeing, but Ben instructs him to journey to Dagobah to seek out Jedi Master Yoda. The apparition then fades away as night begins to descend.


TIE fighters attack the Rebel convoy at Derra IV in X-Wing Rogue Squadron 25.

"Freedom's Winter," much like the inaugural episode, "A Wind to Shake the Stars," from the original Star Wars radio drama, commences with several scenes not present in the cinematic version. The Battle of Derra IV makes its initial appearance, culminating in the destruction of a Rebel supply convoy and the demise of Renegade Flight. This battle was subsequently depicted in the 1997 comic book X-Wing Rogue Squadron 25 within a flashback sequence that incorporated portions of the dialogue from the radio episode.

In another newly added scene, Captain Needa's Star Destroyer, the Avenger, is revealed to be the vessel responsible for launching the Imperial probe droid into the Hoth system. Later Legends materials would present conflicting accounts, identifying both the Avenger and another Star Destroyer, the Stalker, as the launch platform for the droid.

The initial scenes within Echo Base are also unique to Daley's script. Leia and Rieekan engage in a discussion regarding the ongoing construction of the base and their pressing need for additional resources—creating dramatic irony for the audience, who are already aware of the convoy's destruction. Han engages in an argument with Rieekan concerning assistance with the Falcon's repairs, demonstrating that he has not entirely abandoned his self-serving tendencies. The episode also portrays Leia and Rieekan receiving news of the battle, Luke's promotion to commander, and See-Threepio's confrontation with a coordinator droid. The coordinator droid was later identified in 1996 as K-3PO. His exchange with Threepio provides further context regarding how the droids inadvertently caused the melting of the princess's quarters' walls, an event alluded to in the film. Following this, the episode aligns with the events depicted in the film's opening scenes.

Luke initially expresses shock upon seeing Ben Kenobi and questions the authenticity of the apparition, even stating, "It can't be... I saw you die," despite having previously heard the deceased Jedi's voice in A New Hope, both the film and the radio adaptation. Kenobi's spirit had also previously communicated with Luke in various other Legends materials.



