Force and Counterforce

The concluding episode of the Star Wars radio drama, titled "Force and Counterforce," marks its thirteenth installment. Its initial broadcast occurred on Monday, May 25, 1981, via National Public Radio. This episode vividly portrays the Battle of Yavin, which serves as the culminating event for both the audio drama and the movie Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

An announcement echoes through the Death Star, signaling that the Rebel base will be within firing range within a half hour. Motti informs Governor Tarkin and Darth Vader that the prime weapon is set and all personnel are battle-ready. Vader departs to inspect other areas of the station, leaving Tarkin and Motti to converse privately. Motti resumes his flattery of Tarkin, emphasizing the vast power he now wields, suggesting it rivals that of the Emperor himself. He posits that Tarkin is now in a position to demand a more influential role within the Empire. Tarkin identifies Vader as a potential obstacle to such ambitions, but Motti assures him that "Vader can be dealt with." Tarkin responds that he will consider Motti's proposition after the Rebels are defeated.

As the Rebels gear up for the impending battle, Luke makes a final, unsuccessful attempt to persuade Han to stay and assist. Leia also intercepts Luke before he boards his fighter, bestowing upon him another kiss for good luck. Biggs witnesses this exchange and remarks to Luke, "I guess you found your dream girl." See-Threepio arrives to inform Luke that, owing to a droid shortage, Artoo-Detoo has been chosen to accompany Luke in his fighter. As the Rebel snubfighters launch their assault on the Death Star, Luke hears the voice of Ben Kenobi.

Within the base's operations center, General Dodonna outlines the attack strategy to Leia and Threepio: the Y-wing fighters of Gold Flight will spearhead the attack, initiating torpedo runs on the Death Star's exhaust shaft. The X-wings of Red Flight will provide cover for the Y-wings, diverting enemy fire. Should Gold Flight fail, they will then execute their own attack run. A successful direct hit on the shaft is projected to trigger a chain reaction, effectively disabling the space station.

Initially, the fighters manage to evade the heavy Imperial artillery, but the Death Star soon deploys TIE fighters against them. The Rebels begin to sustain casualties. All ships in Gold Flight are destroyed before reaching their target. With only five minutes remaining before the Death Star is in range to obliterate the Rebel base, the X-wings of Red Flight commence their attack.

Aboard the Death Star, an aide informs Tarkin that, despite the destruction of all Y-wings, a contingent of X-wings has bypassed the Imperial fighters and is attempting their own assault. Vader is currently in pursuit, but Tarkin orders that his ship be prepared in case an evacuation of the Death Star becomes necessary. Before this can be arranged, Motti advises Tarkin against leaving, arguing that relinquishing his command could jeopardize his prospects of attaining supreme power. When an analyst approaches Tarkin, expressing concerns about the Rebel attack, Tarkin dismisses the suggestion with laughter.

The initial X-wings of Red Flight begin their attack run. Red Leader instructs Luke to remain above the trench alongside Biggs and Wedge. Red Leader successfully launches a torpedo, but his targeting computer fails to achieve a direct hit. Vader, piloting a prototype fighter, shoots him down, along with both of his wingmen. Luke, Biggs, and Wedge then descend into the trench. Wedge's ship sustains damage and cannot maintain speed, while Biggs is killed.

Luke once again hears the ethereal voice of Ben Kenobi. He urges Luke to place his trust in the Force, prompting him to deactivate his own computer. Vader's fighter damages Artoo, but before he can fire again, the Millennium Falcon appears and engages the Imperial fighters, clearing the way for Luke to launch a torpedo using the Force. It strikes the target with precision, resulting in the station's destruction.

Sometime later, Luke, Han, and Chewbacca prepare for a ceremony to commemorate the victory. Han reflects on his decision to fight alongside the Rebels. He also expresses his doubt that he eliminated the pilot in the prototype fighter. The ceremony commences, and Leia presents medals to Luke and Han.


Motti's potential conspiracy with Tarkin builds upon a subplot introduced in the episode "Death Star's Transit." This portrayal of Motti and Tarkin, absent from the film, was incorporated into Star Wars canon through the 2017 short story "Verge of Greatness," narrated from Tarkin's perspective. The story incorporates verbatim dialogue from the radio drama, integrating it with events from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

This scheme also provides a new perspective on Tarkin's decision not to prepare an evacuation shuttle during the battle. In the radio adaptation, Tarkin had already ordered an escape ship to be prepared until Motti dissuaded him. Motti argues that Tarkin will be unable to assert his authority if he abandons the Death Star. Therefore, when Tarkin subsequently scoffs at the suggestion of evacuating "in our moment of triumph," he is concealing his true motivations. Tarkin's demise is thus attributed to his ambition and scheming, rather than solely to hubris.

Similar to the preceding episode, "The Case for Rebellion," this episode employs terminology that diverges from other Star Wars media, referring to Red and Gold Squadrons as Red Flight and Gold Flight, and designating their weapons as "photon" instead of "proton" torpedoes.


