Freemaker Salvage and Repair (video)

Freemaker Salvage and Repair was a short, one-minute promotional LEGO video that was created back in 2016. This video was made in connection with the Disney XD TV show called LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures. The video was made available on both the LEGO official site and also on the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures – Complete Season One DVD and Blue-ray collection.


The video begins by showing a starfighter fight happening between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. Then, the camera zooms in to focus on the Wheel space station. Zander Freemaker, while piloting the family starship called the StarScavenger, welcomes the audience to Freemaker Salvage and Repair, which is his family's own garage and repair shop. Rowan Freemaker chimes in and says that they are experts at locating "hard to find" items and "re-energizing the obsolete." The Freemakers then go down a ramp and enter the garage. After this, we see the B1-series battle droid named Roger standing underneath the StarScavenger.

Kordi Freemaker then asks the viewers why they should buy new items when they can save credits by using their high-quality, revitalized galactic salvage. After Roger pushes the buttons multiple times, the StarScavenger's cargo bay drops salvage all over Roger. Zander then presents a great Corellian hyperdrive that has been used for a thousand parsecs, which he says is "barely, barley, broken in." Rowan mentions that the family business also fixes starships that have asteroid damage and blaster marks. Zander describes Freemaker Salvage and Repair as a complete service hangar for all kinds of vehicles, including speeders, shuttles, fighters, and light cruisers.

Kordi then adds that the location of Freemaker Salvage and Repair is convenient because it is on the Middle Ring of the Wheel, which is in the Abrion system. The Freemakers, including Roger, then all say their slogan together: "All Freemakers, the name says it all."

