Freyyr's warblade

A potent double-bladed Wookiee warblade was wielded by Freyyr, a male Wookiee. This Wookiee served as the chieftain for the village of Rwookrrorro, which was located on the planet of Kashyyyk. The blade was known as Freyyr's warblade. In the year 3956 BBY, after Chuundar, his son, usurped his position as chieftain, Freyyr utilized the warblade during his exile to the Shadowlands, found deep within Kashyyyk's forests. It was this very weapon that Freyyr used to engage the amnesiac former Sith Lord, Revan, along with the former Jedi Jolee Bindo, who were at that time searching the Shadowlands for a Rakatan Star Map. Sometime before the Dark Wars, the sword, distinguished by Freyyr's personal symbol carved into it, was removed from the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk.


The warblade that belonged to Freyyr was an exceptionally strong double-bladed weapon for melee combat. The symbol of Freyyr, a Wookiee chieftain from the village of Rwookrrorro, was etched into the weapon. Just like other Wookiee warblades, it necessitated the employment of two hands to be wielded effectively. The blades had a silver hue, while the handle was colored brown.


Freyyr with his warblade in the Shadowlands

The Wookiee chieftain Freyyr, residing on the planet of Kashyyyk within Rwookrrorro during the Jedi Civil War, was the owner of Freyyr's warblade. He carried the double-bladed weapon with him into exile in 3956 BBY, when he was forced into the Shadowlands – the depths of Kashyyyk's forests – after his son, Chuundar, overthrew him. During his time in the Shadowlands, Freyyr became almost bestial, attacking nearly anyone he encountered, even those he considered friends. When [Revan](/article/revan-legends], the amnesiac former Sith Lord, sought a Rakatan Star Map on Kashyyyk, his search led him to the Shadowlands, where he enlisted the help of Jolee Bindo, a former Jedi. Freyyr encountered Revan and Bindo in the Shadowlands and, driven by his savage state, attacked them with his warblade, despite his previous friendship with Bindo.

However, Revan and Bindo were able to overcome Freyyr without killing him. They then reasoned with him, uncovering the circumstances of his exile.

By the time of the Dark Wars, Freyyr's warblade had been removed from the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk and was no longer in his possession. At that time, the weapon had an estimated value of 29,955 credits.

Behind the scenes

Freyyr's other sword

The first appearance of Freyyr's warblade was in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the video game developed by BioWare in 2003. While Freyyr possessed the warblade during the scenes set in the Kashyyyk Shadowlands, it wasn't the same weapon he used later in the game when reclaiming his chieftainship from Chuundar. During that coup, Freyyr wielded a single-bladed weapon resembling the vibroblades featured in the game. The weapon was initially identified as Freyyr's warblade in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, the 2004 video game by Obsidian Entertainment. In The Sith Lords, it was a rare melee weapon that could be found in various random locations throughout the game. This meant that finding the weapon wasn't guaranteed in every playthrough. Freyyr's warblade was among the most powerful melee weapons available in the game, and it also provided an increased attack bonus.

