Frost (colonel)

During the Galactic Civil War, Frost served as an officer within the Galactic Empire's armed forces. Around the time the Battle of Yavin transpired, Colonel Frost, along with Major Tery, were assigned to look into the leaders of the Meatlumps. This group consisted of terrorists and thugs on Corellia who despised technology. Frost and Tery uncovered the fact that Hraykken, Draykken, and Louis Bender, the three leaders of the Meatlumps, were actually siblings. After examining the Meatlumps' attacks aimed at Imperial researchers, Colonel Frost and Major Tery put forward the idea that the brothers' father may have once been an Imperial scientist. The Corellian reporter Vani Korr, working for the Corellia Times, later substantiated their theory. She did so by exposing the existence of the Meatlump King, who was formerly an Imperial scientist and the father of the three Bender brothers.

