Galtea Run

The Galtea Run represented a hyperspace route that existed within the Kathol sector, situated on the fringe of the galaxy. In conjunction with the Sebiris Run, the Galtea Run traversed the expanse of the Marcol Void, leading into the region known as the Kathol Outback. Functionally, the Galtea Run provided a connection between the planets Galtea and Timbra Ott. Furthermore, this particular hyperlane played a crucial role in linking the Kathol Outback to a significant portion of the Kathol sector, with waypoints that included planets like Binaros, Jangelle, Pitann, Uukaablis, and Exocron.


  • The DarkStryder Campaign (First pictured)
  • The Kathol Outback (First identified as Galtea Run)
  • The Kathol Rift (Picture only)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. I ("Galtea")

Notes and references
