Gangi Moon, a moon situated in close proximity to the planet Ferrix, was within reach of a Breon Dayvan starship possessing a full [fuel](/article/fuel] supply. Following the Rix Road riot in 5 BBY, an event protesting the Imperial dominion over Ferrix, the Ferrixian [Jezzi](/article/jezzi] took the pilot's seat of a Breon Dayvan. On board were fellow Ferrixians Brasso, Bix Caleen, and Wilmon Paak, along with the droid B2EMO, their destination being Gangi Moon. Having been involved in the riot, the group aimed to evade the Imperial authorities by journeying to Gangi Moon. Cassian Andor's, the Ferrixian fugitive, provided instructions for the route, which involved traversing Farside Sea.
The Disney+ television show Andor featured Gangi Moon in "Rix Road," the first season's concluding episode. This episode, the twelfth in the season, was broadcast on November 23, 2022.