Garqi refugee camp

Garqi refugee camp "Sarge" overlooking the refugee camp. During the era of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic operated a refugee camp known as the Garqi refugee camp. This camp was situated on the planet of Garqi. Its location was roughly twenty kilometers away from one of the conflict zones during the Battle of Garqi.

The fortified camp, overseen by Jedi General Traavis, was built in a grassy valley that was bordered on three sides by cliffs. The camp's inhabitants included clone troopers, numerous citizens of Garqi, and several mammalian species.

After a Garqian farmhouse was bombed by accident, Traavis sent Aiwha Squad out to find any survivors. The squad, under the leadership of Sarge, came across an orphaned boy whose name was Evan and subsequently took him back to the refugee camp. Following the delivery of the young farmer to General Traavis, Aiwha Squad received Order 66 and proceeded to execute Traavis in the middle of the camp, an event witnessed by Evan.

