Gendar was a Human male, according to gender, who was originally from the Undercity located on the planet Taris.
Gendar acted as the leader of the village, a role he inherited from his father and grandfather. He worked to maintain some level of order within the impoverished community.
Prior to the attack on the Endar Spire, Igear, who ran the village shop, plotted to take Gendar's position. Igear had very different ideas about how to survive in the Undercity. He felt that his ability to negotiate deals and operate the shop justified him taking all the profits, regardless of the people who brought him salvage. Gendar, on the other hand, believed that all Outcasts should support each other.
Driven by jealousy of Gendar's leadership, Igear devised a plan to hoard his inventory until food and supplies became scarce. He would then distribute these supplies to the Outcasts, hoping to gain their loyalty and replace Gendar as the village leader. Gendar discovered Igear's scheme before it could be put into action and never trusted him again. However, he chose not to exile Igear because of his valuable negotiating skills.
Gendar had always been doubtful of the stories that Rukil, an elderly outcast, told about the Promised Land. When Revan, an amnesiac former Sith Lord, arrived in the village, Gendar welcomed the upworlder. He provided Revan with directions and information about recent events, including the presence of Sith troopers, mercenaries, and swoop gang members, as well as the last known locations of Mission Vao and Zaalbar, whom Revan was searching for.
After Revan rescued Hendar from a rakghoul attack, he returned with a cure for the rakghoul disease that had infected some of the Outcasts. Gendar was pleased by this. When Revan gave Rukil journals from his ancestors, Rukil was able to find the Promised Land and inform Gendar.
Upon being shown the journals revealing the location of the Promised Land by Rukil, Gendar was both amazed and shocked. He understood that the journey to the Promised Land would take weeks, possibly months, and would require them to traverse many areas infested with rakghouls. However, he also recognized that the Promised Land offered a much better life for him and his people. Knowing that their supplies were plentiful further solidified Gendar's decision to leave the Undercity and seek out the Promised Land.
Gendar, unlike many Outcasts, was kind and greeted Revan in a calm manner. He was proud of Revan when he cured the infected outcasts and regretted not having a reward to offer, aside from the kindness of his people. He also held the belief that individuals should support each other, stick together, and share supplies equally.