Gerin Toda

Gerin Toda was a youthful woman residing on Tammuz-an. She was the offspring of Lord Malameu Toda, a warlord-chieftain, and the elder sister of the young boy named Coby. Several years before the Battle of Yavin, King Mon Julpa, Toda's adversary, came to Toda's fortress with a peace treaty offer. Toda, naturally distrustful, hesitated to engage in the peace negotiations, but Gerin championed Mon Julpa's cause and persuaded her father to heed the king's message.

Not long after, Gir Kybo Ren-Cha, the pirate, broke out of prison and abducted Gerin. He stunned her with a mini-stunner and transported her to the swamp world of Bogden aboard a hijacked A-wing fighter. There, he confined her within the remains of a crashed starfighter. Gerin explored the ship's interior, relying on her father's combat training to evade being devoured by the ferocious Sungwas. Jann Tosh and C-3PO, the heroes, landed on the planet with the intention of rescuing Gerin from Captain Kybo. C-3PO, demonstrating unusual courage, sacrificed his own leg to the Sungwas, enabling Jann to secure Gerin's escape. Soon after, Gerin's father, Toda, accompanied by Mon Julpa and a group of Tammuz-an warriors, arrived on Bogden. They engaged in a firefight with Captain Kybo's pirates and successfully rescued Gerin.

Physical appearance

Gerin possessed dark blue skin, a trait common among her father's Tammuz-anian lineage. She had long, fair hair and a sporty physique. Gerin was skilled in hand-to-hand fighting and once employed her abilities to repel Captain Kybo's second-in-command, Jyn Obah.

Behind the scenes

Gerin was among the few characters in the Star Wars: Droids animated series whose eyes were not brown. Her eyes were a light blue shade.

Cree Summer provided Gerin's voice.

