The Go-Lothal Hotel, a network of interconnected domed buildings, stood in Capital City, which served as the planet Lothal's capital. Its location was directly opposite the two-story ferrocrete structure that contained Wallaway's Pawn Shop. The Hotel had deteriorated significantly by 5 BBY. During that year, the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk and Ezra Bridger, a local orphan, found themselves fleeing from the Galactic Empire. They journeyed to Wallaway's Pawn Shop to find Ferpil Wallaway, Bridger's mentor. While Bossk drove their stolen landspeeder around the block, they observed an Imperial armored landspeeder parked in front of the hotel.
Ezra's Gamble, a junior novel authored by Ryder Windham and released in 2014, featured the Go-Lothal Hotel.