Golden flash was a Force power employed by both Leia Organa Solo and Luke Skywalker in 45 ABY. This ability resulted in their adversaries being reduced to ashes.
The Force Power known as Golden flash involved conjuring a burst of golden Force energy, incinerating its target. While battling Craitheus Qreph and Marvid Qreph, Leia Organa Solo instinctively unleashed this power, generating a wave of yellow fire. When coupled with her brother's utilization of the same ability just a half second later, the Qrephs were incinerated, resulting in their deaths and the banishment of the shadows that had been bolstering them. The combined attack of the two Jedi resulted in a rebounding backlash that seemed to obliterate Solo and Skywalker. However, Han Solo summoned Leia Organa Solo back by speaking her name (though her physical and mental state appeared to revert to 3 ABY until Han Solo recounted her life, at which point she regained her memories and returned to her correct age). Subsequently, she recalled her brother by uttering his name. Experiencing the backlash of his own attack also provided Skywalker with new understandings of the Force.
While pursuing Craitheus Qreph, Marvid Qreph, and Savara Two into the realm accessed through the Unidentified monolith, Solo and her brother, the Grand Master Luke Skywalker, discovered that the only way to kill their enemies was to completely eradicate their physical forms using the Force, as demonstrated with Savara Two. Leia Organa Solo spontaneously manifested and utilized this power during her confrontation with Craitheus Qreph and Marvid Qreph.