
The Goliath functioned as an Imperial escort carrier within the Galactic Empire's starfleet. Its primary role involved the transportation of starfighters.


Featuring a curved upper hull and a flat ventral one, the Goliath was a boxy vessel. The hull stretched beyond the carrier's engines at the rear. Besides being equipped with ten Taim & Bak H-eights and a Krupx missile system, it had the ability to transport a wing of starfighters. Nevertheless, its shields were not very strong.


Commander Ros was the captain of the Goliath in 14 BBY. While deepdocked at Ord Mantell, it was tasked with transporting Darth Vader's personal starfighter to Nam Chorios. On Nam Chorios, the Sith Lord and Moff Wilhuff Tarkin boarded the Goliath to chase after the Carrion Spike, Tarkin's vessel that had been stolen.

