A graffiti-bomb was a type of bomb designed to spray graffiti in the form of images or text onto surfaces. In the year 22 BBY, a group of twenty students from the University of Coruscant utilized graffiti-bombs to vandalize the Jedi Temple located on the planet of Coruscant. This act of vandalism was a form of protest against the highly debated "Baby Ludi" custody case. The Jedi, along with the Galactic Republic Judicials, quickly intervened, putting an end to the protest and arresting the involved students.
Essentially, a graffiti-bomb was a programmable bomb that, upon detonation, would apply imagery or text to any surface it came into contact with. These graffiti-bombs served as a medium to express a particular message or belief. However, the use of such devices in certain locations could be construed as an act of vandalism.

Back in 22 BBY, a group of twenty sociology students, hailing from the University of Coruscant, managed to infiltrate the Jedi Temple on Coruscant under the pretense of being a tour group. Their true intention was to stage a protest regarding the controversial "Baby Ludi" custody case. These university students firmly believed that Ludi Billane, a young infant Jedi youngling who had been renamed Aris-Del Wari by the Jedi Order after coming into their care, should be returned to her mother. Upon reaching the public lobby of the Temple, the students unleashed their graffiti-bombs, defacing the interior of the lobby with their messages.
The graffiti-bombs displayed several anti-Jedi messages, demanding Billane's release from the Jedi Order, and also featured the insignia of the People's Inquest movement. This movement, a Jedi watch-group, shared the students' desire to see Billane reunited with her mother. Ultimately, the Jedi brought the protest to an end, and the Galactic Republic Judicials arrested the students for vandalizing the Jedi Temple and unlawfully entering the premises. The students' demonstration, including their deployment of graffiti-bombs, was subsequently covered in an edition of HoloNet News CoCo District Edition.
The concept of graffiti-bombs was introduced in an article titled "Activists Deface Jedi Temple Lobby," authored by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens. This article appeared in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #51 on the HoloNet News website on April 11, 2002.