Great flood

A cataclysmic inundation, a great flood, signified the termination of a planet-spanning ice age on the world of Kamino well in advance of the Clone Wars's commencement. The substantial surge in heat energy resulted in Kamino's polar ice caps thawing, which subsequently caused the planet's landmass to be engulfed by an expansive ocean. The indigenous Kaminoans, lacking advanced space travel capabilities at the time, opted against requesting assistance from the far-off Galactic Republic, fearing potential colonization. Their solution was to employ engineering to modify both themselves, and their flora and fauna, to thrive in the newly established aquatic ecosystem.


  • Star Wars: Complete Locations (Initial mention)
  • Rise of the Separatists (Initially identified as great flood)
  • Star Wars Bestiary, Vol. 1: Creatures of the Galaxy (Only indirectly mentioned)

Notes and references
