Grov Bricker

Once upon a time, there existed Grov Bricker, a male Human from Corellia, according to Legends. He was a pirate who at one point found himself as a captive of the Hapans. He later penned a memoir detailing this experience, which he called Planet of the Amazons: The Tale of the Pirate Ship Mourning Glory, and it remained a popular book for several months.


Early life

Details surrounding Bricker's younger years are scarce, but it's known he was both born and raised on Corellia. As an adult, he chose the life of a pirate, eventually taking command of the Mourning Glory. This starship, while superior to your average smuggler's vessel, wasn't anything exceptional. Over time, Bricker assembled a crew for the Mourning Glory, which included Xanai Sowan, a Twi'lek engineer whose company he enjoyed. However, no one was as dependable as Kalen Naal, his First Mate, a close confidant who secretly was the Hapan Prince, Isolder.

Capture by Hapes

Shortly before the first Death Star was destroyed, Kalen and Bricker decided to risk a shortcut through the Hapes Cluster during one of their voyages. This led to their ship being ensnared in the Transitory Mists. Bricker was anxious about the Mists, but Kalen assured him there was nothing to fear. He told Bricker that there were no mines, and that the Hapan Queen, Ta'a Chume, never left Hapes itself. He consulted his astromech droid, Arf, for information on the cluster, but all they found was confirmation that Ta'a Chume indeed ruled the Hapes Cluster.

To Bricker's utter dismay, they were halted directly in front of Star Home, the Queen Mother's personal flagship. Awestruck by the ship's immense size, he almost missed the fact that the Mourning Glory was being pulled into Star Home's tractor beam. Bricker wanted to prepare the crew and attempt to resist, spurred by the torture stories he had heard, even though Kalen had dismissed them as mere tales. However, Kalen argued that they wouldn't kill a Hapan due to the limited gene pool, and suggested Bricker pose as the captain, given his knowledge of the Hapan language.

The Mourning Glory was then drawn into Star Home's hangar through its massive bay. With Xanai's help, Bricker informed his crew of the situation. Thanks to Kalen's negotiations with the Hapans, violence was avoided, but Bricker and Kalen were taken aboard the Star Home. The crew remained unharmed, confined to their ship. After a lengthy, silent walk through dim corridors, they were brought before Ta'a Chume herself. She placed them under her authority, and Bricker and Kalen were scheduled for interrogation.

Initially granted some freedom on Star Home, Bricker and Kalen soon found themselves leaving the vessel in chains. Their crew was relocated to a Hapan prison moon, while the captain and first mate were imprisoned in a dungeon beneath the Fountain Palace. Bricker desperately tried to escape, but to no avail. Ta'a Chume then began interrogating Kalen, ignoring Bricker entirely. When she failed to extract Isolder's location from Kalen, she sentenced both Bricker and Kalen to death, much to Bricker's dismay. He attempted to reason with the Queen Mother, but she ignored his pleas.

They were moved to an amphitheater for the execution, which was to be a public spectacle for the women of Hapes, with no men present. There, Ta'a Chume announced fabricated crimes to the audience, claiming that Bricker and Kalen had repeatedly violated Hapan borders, enslaved Hapan women, and refused to answer for their actions. She declared them enemies of the state, even though their only crime was entering Hapan territory. They were given a chance to plead for mercy, and Kalen attempted to explain their situation, but they were not heard. Bricker also tried, but his attempt was poor.

Before the executioner could fire the Gun of Command, the traditional execution method, Lady Elliar intervened, providing Kalen with a second Gun of Command, and he shot Ta'a Chume. He ordered her to release Bricker and the crew, much to Bricker's relief, and revealed his true identity as Isolder. Ta'a Chume quickly recovered and convinced Isolder to return home as the Chume'da. Ta'a Chume then returned Bricker's ship and crew under very strict conditions.


Upon their release, Ta'a Chume thanked Bricker for inadvertently aiding her in bringing Isolder back and granted him mercy. However, Bricker was forbidden from ever returning to the Hapes cluster, under penalty of death. He and his crew were escorted out of Hapes by a Hapan Battle Dragon, though his attempt to persuade Ta'a Chume to provide him with a new first mate was unsuccessful. While he felt pity and envy for his former friend, Bricker's main desire was to leave Hapes and acquire a Gun of Command.

After returning to his ship, Bricker released a memoir of the events he had experienced. He gave it the title: Planet of the Amazons: The Tale of the Pirate Ship Mourning Glory. He used his story to popularize the "Amazon" image of the Hapans. Due to its rich details and its Amazonian image, this memoir quickly became a bestseller, though many denied owning it. This story helped Bricker to become well-known, and more importantly, Bricker provided people with factual information about the Hapans.

Personality and traits

Bricker's persona was somewhat Corellian, displaying cockiness and a disregard for the odds. He also behaved like a captain, often fearing for his own life and that of his crew. He was easily angered when his life was threatened, and even more so when someone endangered his. He enjoyed the company of women, particularly Xanai and other Twi'leks.

Bricker was naturally optimistic, but in the most perilous situations, he recognized the gravity of his predicament and the difficulty of escaping. As a result, he did his best (though he did a very poor job of this) to extricate himself from danger in any way he could.

Behind the scenes

The character of Grov Bricker was created by Cory J. Herndon for the 4-part story, Hapes: Ladies First, on


  • "Hapes: Ladies First Part 4" on (content now obsolete; backup link) (First mentioned)
