Gruthic Winged Beast

Winged Beasts of Gruth were substantial, non-sapient beings equipped with wings, two heads on extended, pliable necks, an elongated tail, scaly skin in a shade of gray-green, and four appendages terminating in pointed claws. Each head possessed a pair of white, pupil-less eyes, two narrow nostrils, a horn on its nose, a sizable mouth filled with sharp teeth, a pink tongue, and an extended chin adorned with horn-like protrusions. In a state of excitement, these Winged Beasts produced piercing, frenzied vocalizations.

During the year 3 BBY, the criminal Tomith Garbis possessed one of these creatures, utilizing it as a steed in combat. This particular beast participated in events on the world of Thune, specifically when Garbis engaged in a battle with the rebels Sabine Wren and Garazeb Orrelios concerning some unassigned shipping containers.

Production Notes

Martin Fisher conceived the Gruthic Winged Beast for "The Thune Cargo," a comic narrative spanning twelve pages. Ingo Römling provided the illustrations for this story, which appeared in Star Wars Rebels Magazine 22 on August 2, 2016.

