Guild sector three

Guild Sector Three was situated on the world of Herdessa. This specific area was known for its impoverished slums, where numerous destitute people resided within the dilapidated structures. The Herdessan Guild's security team, under the command of the cyborg Lumiya, conducted a search of the sector in pursuit of Suzu and Finn, two Herdessans responsible for assaulting Princess Leia Organa upon her arrival on the planet. While the security forces apprehended Finn, Organa intervened when they located Suzu, expressing concern over the excessive force employed by Lumiya and her soldiers. Organa successfully liberated Suzu, and together they sought refuge in a decaying building occupied by several impoverished residents. Determined to control the sector, Lumiya and her troops attacked the building, capturing the rebels and quelling any potential rebellion in the vicinity.

