
The Guudria system was the point of origin for the Guudrians, a species possessing sentience. These beings were characterized by several distinct features: a short, somewhat pig-like snout, a head of wild, untamed hair, and a face covered in warts and wrinkles. Their eyes displayed a unique pattern of black squares. Despite having rather dull teeth, Guudrians possessed sharp claws on their fingers. By 4 ABY, some members of this species had ventured out into the broader galaxy. One such Guudrian, known as Boom, became a member of the New Republic corvette FarStar. Though not widely recognized outside their home territory in Wild Space, Guudrians demonstrated a capacity to utilize technology comparable to that found throughout the galaxy.

Biology and appearance

Guudrians were a species exhibiting sentience, generally smaller in stature than both Humans and Duros, and typically walked with a bent posture. At least one example of a Guudrian possessed pale, yellow skin, coupled with vibrant red hair that formed a mane around the head, extending downwards along the jowls. A pair of flattened, tube-like structures sat atop the skull, running back into the hairline, creating the impression of a receding hairline. The face of a Guudrian was notable for its large eyes, marked with patterns of black checks. The high forehead, thick brow, and knob-like snout were covered in clusters of wart-like bumps and patterns of wrinkles. This blunt muzzle protruded slightly from the face, ending in a single central depression. Below this was a wide mouth filled with dull, white teeth, lilac-colored gums, and a greyish-blue tongue. Claw-like nails adorned the tips of their fingers.

Society and culture

Their own language was spoken by the Guudrians, which could be understood, at least to some extent, by Duros. They were also capable of learning at least some words of Basic. They demonstrated the ability to operate technology of galactic standard; for example, Boom, a Guudrian known by this nickname, displayed proficiency in the use of explosives for demolition purposes.


Originating from the Guudria system, a star system located in Wild Space, the Guudrians were known to some within the wider galaxy by the time the New Republic was established in 4 ABY. However, the species remained relatively obscure in the galaxy at large, with few sentients recognizing them either by appearance or by name.

By 4 ABY, at least one Guudrian, nicknamed Boom, had left the system. He partnered with Krudar, a Duros gunner, and together they traveled the galaxy as freelance starship gunners and members of a pirate crew. Eventually, Krudar convinced Boom to join the crew of the FarStar, a CR90 corvette belonging to the New Republic. Boom possessed an obsession with fire and explosions, bordering on mania. His behavior was considered strange by others, as he constantly muttered to himself and frequently exclaimed, "Boom!" His fascination with flames extended to setting fire to the property of others. By the time the FarStar arrived at the Kathol Rift, Boom's antics had begun to irritate both Krudar and the rest of the crew. Nevertheless, he proved valuable as part of a team that placed charges on asteroids within the Kathol system, creating an artificial meteor shower on the planet Kathol to conceal the FarStar's descent to the planet's surface.

Behind the scenes

Peter M. Schweighofer conceived the Guudrian species as part of the background for the character Boom, who was introduced as a playable character in The DarkStryder Campaign boxed set. This set was published by West End Games in 1995 for their Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Mike Vilardi, an artist, created the illustration of Boom for the character cards included in the set. Boom's statistics indicate that Guudrians do not receive any significant advantages or disadvantages compared to other species in the game, except for a slight decrease in running speed. In 2009, Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry included the Guudria system in The Essential Atlas, a book published by Del Rey.

