Gwayo bird

The gwayo bird was a type of bird that was native to the home planet of the Sakiyan bounty hunter named Djas Puhr. Its eggs were regarded as a delicacy.

In 0 BBY, Han Solo, a known smuggler, illegally transported a gwayo bird egg to Tatooine for his friend, Djas Puhr, thereby violating Imperial trade laws. Instead of throwing the egg out with his other illicit cargo, he chose to risk legal repercussions, a decision that Puhr greatly valued when he was given the egg.

Aside from its eggs being used in cooking, the meat of the gwayo bird was also edible. Gwayo meat was an ingredient in Fried Sakiyan Gwayo with Herb-roasted Topato, a menu item at Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo, a restaurant located in Black Spire Outpost on the Outer Rim planet of Batuu in 34 ABY. This eatery also offered Temple Rootleaf and Moss Salad, which had the option of being served with a marinated, lightly cooked gwayo egg.

