During the time of the Clone Wars era as defined by Legends continuity, the Grand Army of the Republic established a forward operating base. This base was situated in the city of Hadde, serving as the central command for Republic operations on the remote world of Haurgab, located within the Mid Rim. This installation was under the command of Jedi General [Mlaske]. The Hadde forward operating base provided lodging for diverse clone trooper units. Among these were soldiers from the 14th Infantry Brigade and at least a pair of companies belonging to the 85th Infantry Brigade. Furthermore, the clone commando squads known as Delta and Omega were stationed there for the duration of their respective assignments.
Around 19 BBY, the Grand Army of the Republic built a forward operating base within the city of Hadde. This installation functioned as the headquarters for Republic forces engaged in operations on the planet Haurgab, during the pan-galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars. Approximately 938 days following the First Battle of Geonosis, the Forward Operating Base in Hadde sustained damage from an artillery barrage launched by Separatist insurgents. This shelling resulted in the destruction of a communications relay, which left the base unable to send or receive a distress signal from Omega Squad, a group of nearby clone commandos who were being suppressed by pro-Separatist Maujasi soldiers. Omega Squad was saved from harm only due to the prompt arrival of a LAAT/i gunship crewed by clone troopers from the 14th Infantry Brigade who were dispatched from the nearby town of Neska by Advanced Recon Commando Captain Maze. Maze had intercepted the distress call when Omega commed Special Operations Brigade on Coruscant. This intervention allowed Omega Squad to safely return to Hadde Base.
Thirty-two days later, the base was targeted by a group of pro-Separatist rebels who fired a missile from a building inside the Republic-aligned city of Hadde. The missile struck near the base's mess hall, causing injuries and death to numerous clone troopers from the explosion and resulting shrapnel. The clone commandos of both Delta and Omega Squads, who were inside the mess hall at the time of the attack, avoided serious injuries due to their durable Katarn-class commando armor. They subsequently led the counterattack against the Hadde rebels, alongside Jedi General Etain Tur-Mukan and elements of both the 14th and 85th Infantry Brigades.
The Republic's forward operating base was located on the outskirts of Hadde. By the 970th day of the Clone Wars, it had grown to a size that Scorch, a member of Delta Squad, likened to a small city. The base contained its own garrison, as well as at least two companies of the 85th Infantry Brigade and members of the 14th Infantry Brigade during the Republic's ongoing military actions. This extensive base featured a mess hall for meals, barracks to house clone troops, and the office of the base's commanding officer.