Halcyon Legacy 5

title: Halcyon Legacy 5

Halcyon Legacy #5 represents the concluding chapter of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Halcyon Legacy. This issue was penned by Ethan Sacks, with illustrations crafted by Will Sliney and Rachelle Rosenberg, and it was brought to publication by Marvel Comics on August 3, 2022. The narrative contained within this issue is entitled "Part 5: The Path of the Sungrazer."

Publisher's summary

"FINAL BATTLE ON THE HALCYON" Star-crossed lovers, who unfortunately tangled with the wrong syndicate, attempt their escape on the Halcyon. However, amidst the turmoil of the New Republic's early days, can they successfully evade a deadly lineup of bounty hunters relentlessly pursuing them, including BOSSK? Furthermore, in the distant future, the infamous pirate CRIMSON JACK is closing in on the fabled Galactic Starcruiser.

Plot summary

In 34 ABY, Crimson Jack, the pirate leader, issues a warning to the Halcyon's passengers, stating that everyone on board will meet their demise unless the Resistance spy is handed over. However, Lenka Mok, the cruise director, informs him that the spy, Shorr Komrrin, has already escaped via an escape pod. Subsequently, a crew member, using a concealed blaster, fires at Crimson Jack, only to be swiftly subdued by the pirate due to their inaccurate shot. Frustrated by the situation, Crimson Jack informs his crew that he will return to their ship to oversee the spy's capture, allowing them to plunder the passengers' belongings and eliminate anyone who resists. Aboard the escape pod, Shorr expresses his hope that he has provided his granddaughter with the opportunity she deserves. Elsewhere on the Halcyon, Cinema vows to make her grandfather proud. Suddenly, a pirate starts to act violently, attempting to restore order, and D3-O9 is knocked to the ground. As Cimina and a female Balosar named R’Tess assist her in getting up, R’Tess inquires whether the droid could recount her story about the Sungrazer Comet, as she had overheard Cimina being told various tales.

In a flashback to a quarter-century earlier aboard the Halcyon, a Balosar man named Stolak is thanked by R’Tess for bringing her to the Halcyon, which she finds beautiful. She also expresses curiosity about how a simple transport pilot could secure reservations. D3-O9 then informs the couple that the Sungrazer Comet is about to collide spectacularly with the star Daca, and a special holo report begins to play, featuring Senator Leia Organa appealing to former Imperial sympathizers to join the New Republic. R’Tess mentions that Leia spent her honeymoon on the Halcyon, but Stolak dismisses Senator Organa as a "rich snob" who is indifferent to people like them, asserting that the Galactic Republic, Empire, and New Republic are all the same to him. Following this, R’Tess becomes agitated and begins to cough, prompting Stolak to fetch her a Muja Twist to drink. However, R’Tess notices that he went in the wrong direction. In a secluded cargo room, Stolak is ambushed by the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk, and the two immediately engage in a fierce brawl. As they relentlessly fight, they exchange taunts, and Stolak eventually gains the upper hand, knocking Bossk unconscious. Bossk later awakens to find himself bound, and Stolak returns to R’Tess with the drink, apologizing for being "tied up in conversation" with another passenger.

In the present on the Halcyon, a pirate steals a family heirloom broach from a passenger, and R’Tess, watching helplessly, expresses her disdain for bullies. Cimina then explains that she is concerned about her grandfather being captured, as he is a Resistance spy who came aboard with codes that must not fall into the First Order's possession.

Returning to the past in a passenger cabin, R’Tess has Stolak pose for a portrait she is sketching, but they are interrupted by a knock at the door. Anxious, Stolak answers the door with a hand on his holstered blaster, only to find D3-O9 informing them that the Sungrazer Comet collision is imminent and will not be visible from their cabin. As Stolak closes the door, he thanks the droid for the reminder and says that they will head for the viewing station shortly. When he sits back down for R’Tess, she finally realizes that he is not a transport pilot. Stolak confesses that he has had to do bad things for credits, but he promised her the stars when they first met and couldn't provide that on Balosar, where pollution obscures the night sky. He thought they had more time, but then she fell ill, and he needed to borrow more credits to expedite their departure from Balosar. Suddenly, another knock is heard at the door, but this time it is the bounty hunter 4-LOM, who explains that the Bounty Hunter’s Guild has authorized him to terminate Stolak at the behest of his former employers. Stolak is seized by the neck and pinned against the wall, but R’Tess stabs the droid with a knife, allowing her and her lover to escape the room. R’Tess tells Stolak that she would have been content living on the streets of Balosar, but Stolak dismisses this, arguing that the "polluted hellhole" made her sick. As Stolak insists that he must keep his promise, he is punched by the bounty hunter Wooro, who is accompanied by his team consisting of T’onga and Zuckuss. On the ground, Stolak surrenders, but pleads to see the Sungrazer Comet with his lover before they have to part ways. T’onga grants their request, provided they do not attempt anything. After the collision with the star Daca, R’Tess remarks that it was so luminous that it will be forever remembered by those who witnessed it. The two share a final kiss, and when Stolak expresses his gratitude, T’onga tells him not to mention it, as Black Sun could reduce their rate. As the bounty hunters depart with Stolak, R’Tess holds a blaster behind them, but narrates that she lacked the courage to shoot and now only wonders if she could have saved him.

She didn’t pull the trigger and never saw Stolak again, and imagines that he was probably executed by Black Sun. However, they never recovered their missing credits since Stolak had paid for their room for up to a century. In the present, R’Tess tells Cimina that she’s only gotten stronger, and so she pulls out her blaster and guns down the pirates trying to steal items from the passengers. A crew member of the Halcyon informs cruise director Lenka Mok and Captain Keevan that the passengers are safe, so the two take to action and defeat the remaining pirates on the bridge. With the pirate issue dealt with, the Halcyon jumps to hyperspace on route to the nearest port. Elsewhere aboard the pirate ship, Crimson Jack, having retrieved the Resistance spy Shorr Komrrin, contacts First Order Lieutenant Harman Croy and informs him of the captured spy which will be of great value to them. Shorr is threatened and forced to unlock his case, but to the horror of Crimson Jack, the only thing inside is a model of the Halcyon which was to be a gift for Cimina. Crimson Jack is tricked, and Croy is angry since his time was wasted, so he orders for Shorr to be released and Jack not to contact him again. Meanwhile on the tourist planet of Sesid, Cimina meets up with Vi Moradi of the Resistance and delivers the codes to her to complete her grandfather’s mission.


