Hawk-bat Base

Hawk-bat Base functioned as the central hub for Wraith Squadron's piratical endeavors. This occurred while they were masquerading as the Hawk-bat Independent Space Force, or the Hawk-bats for short, circa 7.5 ABY. During the conflict with Warlord Zsinj, Wraith Squadron had learned that Zsinj was enlisting pirates into his ranks. Consequently, the Wraiths opted to establish a fabricated pirate enterprise in proximity to the planet Halmad, selecting the derelict mining asteroid designated A3 as their base of operations.

The abandonment of Hawk-bat Base transpired when Zsinj seized control of Halmad, nearly causing a catastrophic situation for the Wraiths. Zsinj extended an offer to the "Hawk-Bats," proposing that they work under his command. Given that the Hawk-bats possessed a mere five TIE/IN interceptors, the remaining members of Wraith Squadron departed for Mon Remonda, the flagship commanded by General Han Solo. Face Loran (alias General Kargin), Dia Passik (alias Captain Seku), Wedge Antilles (alias Lieutenant Kettch), Kell Tainer (alias Lieutenant Dissek), and Piggy saBinring (alias Morrt) piloted the Interceptors, due to Shalla Nelprin—also known as Qatya Nassin of the Hawk-bats—being part of the Zsinj force attacking Razor's Kiss. In the ensuing engagement, Razor's Kiss met its destruction, prompting Wraith Squadron to evacuate the base.

Subsequently, Lara Notsil journeyed to Hawk-bat Base, following the revelation of her true identity as Gara Petothel. There, she discarded her Rebel uniform before proceeding to her designated rendezvous point with the Iron Fist.

