The Kellgar Seven heist refers to a mission carried out on the celestial body Kellgar Seven. This operation was executed by a faction belonging to the Spice Runners of Kijimi, a smuggler organization. Under the leadership of Vigilch, the group successfully completed the heist and fled to the moon Yavin 4. Subsequent to their arrival, the cell's members learned that their pilot, Beke Mon'z, was actively betraying them to competing criminal organizations. Unbeknownst to them, he was actually a spy working for New Republic Security Bureau officer Sela Trune. On Yavin 4, Vigilch killed Mon'z, leaving the Spice Runners without transportation. Following her operative's demise, Trune initiated an investigation on the moon. The group received help from Poe Dameron, a Yavin 4 local seeking to leave the moon, who piloted their XS stock light freighter Ragged Claw to escape.