Hem, a male from Phindia, served as a senator representing his people in the Galactic Empire's governing body, the Imperial Senate. He was Teeyr Hem's husband. During 15 BBY, Hem's spouse had a meeting with Arihnda Pryce, who presented the Phindian pair with a four-blend wine. Subsequent to this gift, Pryce solicited Lady Hem's support for the objectives of Higher Skies, an organization advocating for certain causes. Teeyr Hem then told Pryce that the aims of the advocacy group aligned with her own and her husband's. She added that her husband was in agreement with Pryce's strategies and intentions, but that she would still discuss the matter with him later that evening.
The character of Hem received a mention in the 2017 novel titled Thrawn. This novel represents the initial installment within Timothy Zahn's collection of books, known as the Star Wars: Thrawn novel series.