Hench Sina was an Aqualish male who held the position of fullback for the AppSci SaberCats, the grav-ball team representing the Junior Academy of Applied Sciences. In a game versus the Mavericks, Sina, assisted by Zare Leonis and Frid Kelio, surpassed Ames Bunkle's previous school records for both carries and meters accumulated in a single match. Not long before the season's championship game, Janus Fhurek, the Athletic Director, transferred both Sina and Kelio to the Technical Institute for Agricultural Research due to his bias against alien species. Consequently, these two nonhumans were barred from participating in the championship final.
During the Age of the Empire, Hench Sina was a student attending the Junior Academy of Applied Sciences located in Lothal's Capital City. He was positioned as the weakside fullback on the school's grav-ball team, known as the AppSci SaberCats. Alongside Frid Kelio, Hench was one of only two alien players on the SaberCats roster. Hench maintained a positive relationship with Zare Leonis, the team's center-striker who had recently relocated to Lothal. Leonis proved to be an effective and well-respected leader, guiding the SaberCats to victories over other school teams.
Throughout the grav-ball season, Hench participated in numerous games. In a match against the West Cap City Carvers, Zare strategically placed the ball in Hench's hands before directing the powerfully built Aqualish to advance against the Carvers. Despite the grueling nature of the match, Leonis's tactics broke the tie, enabling the SaberCats to secure a victory with a score of 38 points against the Carvers' 36. However, in a subsequent game against the East City Brawlers, Hench fumbled the ball during a carry, forcing Leonis to recover it. The SaberCats struggled throughout this particular match, and Hench was subjected to a stiff-arm by a Brawler player.
Hench and his SaberCats teammates experienced greater success in a match against the Thrashers, achieving a score of 44 points compared to the opposing team's 18. During a winter game against the South Capital City Volunteers, Hench created an opening in the opposing team's defense, allowing his fellow fullback Beck Ollet to advance further to the right and move up the sidelines. The SaberCats emerged victorious in that match with a twelve-point lead. Following the game, Leonis attributed their success to Hench's performance. However, Janus Fhurek, the xenophobic athletic director of Junior AppSci, displayed a disapproving expression upon seeing Hench.
Later in the season, Fhurek attempted to persuade Leonis to remove Hench and Frio from the SaberCats, arguing that their alien physiologies provided them with an unfair advantage. However, Leonis refused to comply and retained Hench and Frid for the remainder of the grav-ball season. During a title match against the Mavericks, Hench Sina, with the help of Leonis Frid Kelio, broke the Junior AppSci alumni Ames Bunkle's school records for carries and meters gained in a single game. Despite the SaberCats' victory, Fhurek retaliated against Leonis by transferring Hench and Frid to the Technical Institute for Agricultural Research due to his anti-alien bias. As a result, the two nonhumans were unable to compete in the final championship.
Hench Sina's robust physique led to his role as a fullback for the AppSci SaberCats. Although his talent as a grav-ball player was somewhat limited, Leonis considered him a dependable player who consistently fulfilled his responsibilities, regardless of the score, the referees, or other external factors. Conversely, Fhurek, the school's xenophobic athletic director, viewed him as little more than a "brute-force" fullback lacking in tactical intelligence. Nevertheless, Hench compensated for this deficiency through his willingness to collaborate within a team.