West Cap City Carvers

The West Cap City Carvers were a grav-ball team whose home was the planet of Lothal. About six years prior to the Battle of Yavin, this team competed against the AppSci SaberCats in the opening game of their season. Before the game took place, Zare Leonis, the SaberCats' center striker, analyzed the Carvers' last game from the previous season, hoping to find an edge by understanding their gameplay. Merei Spanjaf, who would eventually be selected as the team's kicker, believed Leonis's approach was not effective because half of the Carvers' roster consisted of completely new players that year. Leonis countered by stating that he was, in fact, studying the coach, arguing that while the players might be different, the coach's fundamental strategies remained consistent. The game turned out to be very competitive, with the score level at 36-36 near the end. The SaberCats ultimately secured a 38-36 victory with a last-second play.

