The Herald-class shuttle was a small cargo vessel manufactured by the Star Forge to serve during the Jedi Civil War.

This starship measured 28 meters in length, possessed minimal weaponry consisting of two turbolasers, and required a crew of two individuals.
The design of the Herald-class was derived from a Republic Fleet Systems design, which saw limited production before being superseded by the Ministry-class orbital shuttle.
The Herald was among the few transportation vessels that were mass-produced by the Sith Empire. They fulfilled the role of transporting supplies to and from various planets, notably including the valuable kolto found on Manaan.
The Herald-class shuttle initially appeared in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game developed by BioWare, which launched in July of 2003. The Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, a hardcover supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast published in 2008, formally identified the ship as a Herald-class shuttle and provided its technical specifications.