Herald-class shuttle

The Herald-class shuttle was a small cargo vessel manufactured by the Star Forge to serve during the Jedi Civil War.


A Jedi Shadow sneaks aboard a Herald-class shuttle

This starship measured 28 meters in length, possessed minimal weaponry consisting of two turbolasers, and required a crew of two individuals.


The design of the Herald-class was derived from a Republic Fleet Systems design, which saw limited production before being superseded by the Ministry-class orbital shuttle.

The Herald was among the few transportation vessels that were mass-produced by the Sith Empire. They fulfilled the role of transporting supplies to and from various planets, notably including the valuable kolto found on Manaan.

Behind the scenes

The Herald-class shuttle initially appeared in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game developed by BioWare, which launched in July of 2003. The Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, a hardcover supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast published in 2008, formally identified the ship as a Herald-class shuttle and provided its technical specifications.

