The vessel known as the Hininbirg functioned as a Ton-Falk-class escort carrier within the structure of the Imperial Navy. Subsequent to the events of the Battle of Hoth, the Hininbirg was slated to acquire TIE/D Defender experimental models from the Sela cargo ferry group, at a location in proximity to Vinzen Neela 5. However, upon its arrival in the designated sector, the Hininbirg came under attack by combatants belonging to the Rebel Alliance. While the carrier was engaged in combat with the Rebel forces, Imperial starfighters provided a defensive screen for the ongoing transfer. Once the entirety of the TIE Defenders had been successfully loaded, the Hininbirg initiated its departure from the location, setting course for the planet of Coruscant.
Constructed by Kuat Drive Yards, the Hininbirg was a Ton-Falk-class escort carrier equipped with a complement of ten H8 dual laser cannons in addition to a VL-6 warhead launch system. The carrier was 500 meters long, capable of a maximum velocity of 12 MGLT, and incorporated three sublight drives along with a hyperdrive system. In terms of defensive capabilities, the Hininbirg featured a shield rating of 180 SBD and a hull rating of 90 RU.
During the period of the Galactic Empire's rule, the Hininbirg saw action as a component of the navy. In the year 3 ABY, following the Battle of Hoth, arrangements were made for the Hininbirg to meet with the cargo ferry group designated Sela in the vicinity of the celestial body Vinzen Neela 5. The purpose of this rendezvous was to take possession of prototype TIE/D Defender craft. However, before the arrival of the Imperial forces, Rebel Alliance units infiltrated the area, intending to ambush the Imperials and disrupt the intended transfer.
Imperial starfighters, tasked with ensuring the security of the transfer, moved into the area and engaged the Rebel forces prior to the arrival of both the Hininbirg and the Sela. The carrier arrived amidst the ongoing conflict, exchanging fire with two CR90 corvettes named Vop Hui and Mar Duun, which attempted to disable the starship through the deployment of a minefield. Maarek Stele, an Imperial TIE pilot, successfully neutralized both corvettes and the deployed mines, thus safeguarding the carrier from Rebel attacks. Ultimately, the Hininbirg emerged from the battle unscathed and received all of the prototype craft from the Sela without loss. Subsequently, the vessel entered hyperspace and transported the TIE Defenders to the planet of Coruscant so that Emperor Palpatine could carry out an inspection of them.
The initial appearance of the Hininbirg occurred in Totally Games' video game Star Wars: TIE Fighter, which was released in 1994. The ship is a key element of the second mission in the sixth Tour of Duty, entitled "Prevent Rebel Ambush," where the player is responsible for protecting the ship until it has received all of the prototype craft from the Sela and has left the area.