Hiran Bessiker

Hiran Bessiker was a male Human Sith apprentice. During the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, he played a role. He was the offspring of Major Bessiker.


Hiran was dispatched to the Sith Academy located on Korriban in 3643 BBY. The purpose of this trip was so that he could receive training to become a Sith. He successfully finished his trials, which made his father proud, and he would then boast to Kallig about his achievements. Hiran considered aliens to be "scum" and believed that non-force users such as his father in the Sith Empire were merely "pawns in [the Sith's] game". Later, he went back to Balmorra to assist his father with various assignments. After discovering a holocron, he was unexpectedly taken prisoner by Republic forces after Iannos Tyrek betrayed the Empire.

While he was imprisoned, his father dispatched Kallig, a Sith Inquisitor, who was there searching for a Tulak Hord artifact. He voiced his contempt for his father to the Inquisitor and demanded his freedom. The Inquisitor declined and tried to use a blast of force lightning to seal Hiran in his cell. Hiran managed to escape and engaged the Inquisitor in a fierce battle. Despite his competent fighting skills, he was ultimately outmatched by the combined strength of Khem Val and Kallig.

Behind the scenes

If the player opts to liberate Hiran, he will taunt the player by claiming that both the Inquisitor and his father are weak. If the player's character is not a cyborg, Human, or Sith, he will remark that his father failed to mention that the player is a "filthy alien".

Hiran Bessiker's attacks consist primarily of Sith Warrior abilities, in addition to Force Shock.

