A Hutt of the male variety, named Hiro, was the offspring of Ziro Desilijic Tiure, a crime lord and also the initial cousin to Jabba Desilijic Tiure, another lord of crime. On the planet of Batuu, specifically within Black Spire Outpost, he was the host of "The Hutt Hour," a talk show broadcasted on the radio station BSO 401.72 during the war that transpired between the First Order and the Resistance.
At that time, a widespread rumor among Batuu's inhabitants suggested that Hiro was responsible for the prohibition of Kowakian monkey-lizards at Oga's Cantina, a belief shared by Ylena, a Batuuan local.
Hiro's initial conception was for Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. This area became accessible to visitors at Disneyland starting on May 31, 2019. Ziro's portrayals in Star Wars: The Clone Wars served as the basis for the character's design. Walt Disney Imagineer Cory Rouse provides his voice.