The Holowan droid foundry was a manufacturing plant belonging to Holowan Mechanicals, a division of the droid production company Holowan. As of 4 ABY, the protocol droid known as Are Zero Are Zero, along with a number of deactivated IG-series droids, were located within the foundry. Sometime between 2 BBY and 4 ABY, Grand-engineer Lony Coleema was abducted from the asteroid Z-LOQ by the IG-88 assassin droid IG-88B, who then took him to the foundry.
The Holowan droid foundry was featured in the short story "A Rebel Bounty," which was included in the Star Wars Adventures Annual 2020 comic book. Nick Brokenshire both wrote and drew the story, which was released by IDW Publishing on November 18, 2020.