The tale of "Honor Bound" originates from Star Wars Tales issue 22. Its release served as an official companion piece to the video game Star Wars: Republic Commando, launching soon after the comic's debut. Subsequently, it was included within Star Wars Tales Volume 6.
Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu requested a detailed debriefing from clone commando sergeant Zag, concerning his recent assignment. This mission, initially appearing as a standard protection detail, escalated into a full-scale battle. The clone then provided the following account of the operation:
The commandos received orders to safeguard prominent weapons manufacturer Lorca Oviedo during a conference held on Aviles Prime. The journey from Coruscant to Aviles Prime proceeded without incident. However, during the return leg, the industrialist's Republic Cruiser reported a critical failure in its life support systems. To perform repairs, they opted to exit hyperspace near the closest celestial body, the desolate moon of Asturias. Immediately upon doing so, chaos erupted: a droid control ship materialized and launched an assault on the convoy. Both Oviedo's cruiser and the commandos' escort ship sustained heavy damage, forcing them to crash land on Asturias.
Only seven commandos survived the crash out of the escort ship's original eighteen-man complement. The commandos' immediate priority was to continue their initial objective: locate Oviedo and ensure his safe return to Coruscant, regardless of the cost. They successfully reached the cruiser's crash site, where they made a grim discovery: the ship remained structurally intact, but the entire crew had been executed without exception. Oviedo was nowhere to be found, but the commandos discovered tracks belonging to B1-Series battle droids and a human, leading away from the wreckage.
Following the tracks, they discovered Oviedo in communication with Techno Union leader Wat Tambor through the HoloNet. The Separatists' ambush had been a carefully orchestrated deception, designed to falsely portray Oviedo as loyal to the Republic and secure lucrative weapons manufacturing contracts for him. In reality, the industrialist had been secretly collaborating with the Confederacy of Independent Systems all along, intending to provide Tambor with sensitive intelligence regarding troop deployments and strengths, thereby giving Count Dooku a strategic advantage.
Capitalizing on the element of surprise, the commandos engaged Tambor's droids and successfully captured Oviedo. Subsequently, they were forced to fight their way through a horde of battle droids, super battle droids, droidekas and Vulture droids in order to reach the Republic cruiser and escape, with their prisoner in tow. Ultimately, only RC sergeant Theta twenty-eight-eight and Lorca Oviedo managed to reach Coruscant alive. The commandos had accomplished their mission. However, the treacherous industrialist died while in custody, before he could divulge any information to the Republic, apparently from asphyxiation. The precise circumstances surrounding his death remained unclear...
Having heard the report, Mace Windu dismissed the sergeant, assuring him that the sacrifices of his men would be remembered. While he commended the commandos for their unwavering dedication to the Republic, Yoda expressed reservations. The clones were indeed obedient and loyal, at least for the present. However, he remained uncertain about the future direction of their loyalties...