Honor Guard (Domina Tagge)

The Honor Guard consisted of expertly trained protectors. Their duty was to safeguard Lady Domina Tagge during her tenure as the head of the Tagge Corporation, a prosperous and influential enterprise belonging to the House of Tagge. These guards played a role in Domina's combat trials of the Tagge protoblade. Furthermore, they aided in resolving a skirmish on TaggeCo's flagship, the Acquisitor, involving Ubese bounty hunters under the command of Boushh and TaggeCo personnel. At a later point, the criminal organization Crimson Dawn managed to insert its operatives into the guard. In an attempted assassination plot orchestrated by Domina's nephew, Ronen Tagge, to seize control of Tagge Corporation, these infiltrated guards turned on Domina, but she prevailed and eliminated them. During this confrontation, Ronen appeared on the Acquisitor's bridge accompanied by additional Honor Guard members, unaware that some of these guards had maintained their allegiance to his aunt. Following Domina's defeat of Ronen for his betrayal, the loyal guards then eliminated those who had sided with Ronen and Crimson Dawn.

