A human of the male gender, Hue Tico was the father, alongside Thanya Tico, of both Paige and Rose Tico.
Hue Tico's parents were Storm and Etta, wife of Storm, who were among the first settlers of Hays Minor, a struggling mining colony situated within the Otomok system. He spent his childhood on this planet together with his wife Thanya and his daughters Rose and Paige. During his daughters' younger years, he was employed by Central Ridge Mining.
Once, during a Z-95 simulation one of his daughters was doing, Rose and Paige were amazed by the simulated craft's speed, and eventually Paige let Rose pilot it on her own. Despite Paige's pleas to pull up, Rose ended up crashing. Soon after, their parents arrived to take them home for dinner.
The mines of Hays Minor were seized by the First Order, who then forced the local population, including Rose's family, to extract the planet's resources to fuel their war efforts. Rose and Paige worked to shield their parents and other inhabitants from the First Order and the pollution caused by their mining activities. Rose managed to blow up a dozen OreDiggers, disrupting the First Order's mining operations for a period of three days. Her parents then advised her and Paige to seek out the Resistance and join their struggle against the First Order.
Following the Tico sisters' departure, Hays Minor was devastated by the First Order by 26 ABY, which resulted in the perishing of both Hue and Thanya.
Rose and Paige later discovered, to their great dismay, that the First Order had blockaded and ravaged their home planet. Driven by a desire for revenge, they initially intended to strike back, but Leia Organa convinced them that remaining with the Resistance would be a more effective course of action than embarking on a personal vendetta.