Tank troopers, officially designated as Imperial combat assault tank commanders, functioned as specialized vehicle commanders overseeing the Imperial combat assault tank pilots operating TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" combat assault tanks. Positioned in the tank's command seat, they had a comprehensive view of the battlefield. These commanders maintained communication with their crew and central command, ensuring they were informed about the evolving combat scenario. During the Imperial occupation, combat drivers and a tank commander manned Imperial combat assault tanks, which patrolled the streets of Jedha.
During the year 0 BBY, a specific TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" combat assault tank, under the command of First Sergeant Jimmon Arbmab, operated within the Holy City of Jedha. This tank was transporting kyber crystals intended for use in the construction of the Death Star. However, Saw Gerrera's rebel group executed an ambush, successfully seizing the kyber crystals.