Imperial Entanglements served as a scenario compilation for the Star Wars Miniatures Battles tabletop game. Published in 1996 by West End Games, it was the second and last expansion created for the game.
Beyond just scenarios, the book featured a section titled "Rules Clarifications and Upgrade," designed to resolve ambiguities and correct oversights present in the previously released rules. This section introduced new content, notably an expanded Aurebesh character set that included common punctuation, and game statistics for the Storm Skimmer, a vehicle that initially appeared in the Star Wars: Dark Empire comic series.
A section dedicated to Troop Lists also presents fresh troop options for gameplay, building upon the initial Troop Lists found in Star Wars Miniatures Battles.
The majority of the supplement was composed of nine distinct scenarios for playing the game:
Scenario One: Big Game - A group of hunters are hired to go with Halor Dinnoral, a retired corporate executive and wildlife enthusiast, to an uncharted world. Their mission is to help him capture new creatures for his private zoo. This is a single-player scenario, offering rules to control the arrival and actions of various creatures during the game.
Scenario Two: Terror in the Trees - Following the Battle of Endor, marooned stormtroopers launch a revenge attack on an Ewok village situated high in the forest canopy. The Ewoks must defend their home, aided by visiting Rebels and a variety of traps and tricks.
Scenario Three: Hammer of Destiny - Imperial recovery team and Rebel forces from the Hitak Harriers clash across the lava fields of Turak IV in an attempt to salvage a damaged S-1 FireHawke Heavy Repulsortank belonging to the renowned Hell's Hammers armored unit.
Scenario Four: A Bazaar Encounter - While taking some time off at a Jawa marketplace, Rebel soldiers find themselves embroiled in a skirmish with members of the Krayt Draggers swoop gang, as panicked Jawas scatter around them.
Scenario Five: To Hunt the Hutt - Garm Trodask leads Grim Destiny, a team of bounty hunters, in pursuit of Mennac, a Hutt from the criminal Vanderijar family. They corner her, her partner Jobwah, and their entourage in a docking bay located on Trandivar, initiating a battle.
Scenario Six: Who Goes There? - In the thick jungles of Mentanar Vosk, Rebel Strike Force Altagak has been successfully harassing the resident Imperial garrison. After the garrison commander identifies their base, he dispatches stormtroopers to eliminate the threat. Forewarned, the strike force attempts to reach their escape shuttle, beginning a trek through the dense jungle. This scenario includes specific rules to simulate the confusing effects of moving through a dense jungle, making it difficult for either side to know their exact location.
Scenario Seven: Scavenger Hunt - During an attack on Coruscant by the Imperial Ruling Council, New Republic forces must stop a group of Scavengers from dismantling their transport. They must also contend with the scavengers, their war droid, and a pack of nek beasts.
Scenario Eight: Rescue Run - A SpecForce Infiltrators strike team is tasked with locating and rescuing a Rebel agent from an Imperial base camp, where he is awaiting transfer to an interrogation center.
Scenario Nine: Surprise Visit - Rebel forces plan to ambush a Santhe/Sienar convoy on the world of Dennaskar, leading to unexpected outcomes. This scenario had been previously featured in Star Wars Adventure Journal 4.