
The Impound functioned as a correctional facility situated in Calimondretta, the capital city of the Arkadianate, which was located on the frigid world of Syned, found within the remote reaches of the Grumani sector. During the era known as the Republic Dark Age, the Sith Lord Arkadia Calimondra utilized this prison to hold captive and inflict punishment upon anyone who opposed her authority.


The prison complex resembled a large-scale information processing center, comprised of numerous towering rows of horizontally stacked metal containers. Each individual container served as a cell, accommodating a single prisoner, who received sustenance in the form of air and nutrients through a network of interconnected tubes. Inmates within the Impound were routinely subjected to questioning by a number of interrogator droids that levitated on floating platforms. The interrogator droids communicated with the inmates via an integrated network of internal speakers.

Each individual cell within the Impound was equipped with intensely bright lights and high-frequency audio systems, both deliberately designed to inflict sensory discomfort upon the prisoners. These audio and visual systems operated in an alternating fashion at unpredictable intervals, thereby inducing a persistent state of heightened stress in the inmates. The intensity of these systems could be fine-tuned to compel inmates to cooperate more readily or to divulge the information that was being sought. The Jedi Knight Kerra Holt surmised that the Impound served as a detention center for prisoners captured during the Second Charge Matrica, a location for the indoctrination of dissidents, and a place to discipline individuals who had failed to adequately perform the duties of their assigned rotational occupations.


In the year 1032 BBY, Arkadia Calimondra incarcerated Kerra Holt within one of the Impound's cells as retribution for Kerra's refusal to act as an assassin for the Sith Lord. Arkadia's scheme involved assassinating her own grandmother, Vilia Calimondra, the matriarch of the Calimondra family, as part of a broader plot to bring an end to the Charge Matrica conflicts. Arkadia's intention was to use Kerra as a means of transporting her younger sibling, Quillan, who was tasked with the assassination of Vilia. As punishment for Kerra's defiance, Arkadia ordered her confinement within the Impound, with the intention of having her interrogated by droids regarding her knowledge of the Galactic Republic and other Sith-controlled territories. However, Kerra was rescued by Narsk Ka'hane, a Bothan spy working as an agent of Vilia, who persuaded her to instigate a diversion that would facilitate the escape of Jarrow Rusher and the refugees aboard the vessel known as the Diligence from Syned.

Kerra found herself unable to liberate the other inmates, as they had previously been exposed to Chagras's Blood, a lethal neurotoxin developed as a bioweapon for Arkadia's planned campaign of territorial reclamation. Following her escape, Kerra engaged in combat with several Citizen Guards in the vicinity of the spaceport. During the subsequent fighting, substantial portions of Calimondretta suffered damage as a result of explosives detonated by both Rusher's Brigade and Arkadia's military forces. At the peak of the conflict, she even managed to engage Arkadia herself in a lightsaber duel. Ultimately, the Diligence, along with its crew and passengers, successfully fled the Arkadianate, accompanied by a number of Arkadianate citizens who opposed Arkadia's authoritarian regime.

