Impoundment transmitter

Transmitters for impoundment were a specific kind of homing beacon that were attached to starships belonging to individuals who had not settled their docking dues at a spaceport located on the planet of Beheboth. Around the year 8 ABY, the Quarren scientist known as Kimp Minmirn encountered this situation, and a spaceport employee by the name of Lorrb installed one of these beacons. Subsequently, Peacekeeper Darial Anglethorn along with the Beheboth police force employed this device to locate the fugitive Mils Giel, who had stolen Minmirn's ship to escape the planet after he was discovered mutating the native Tirrith population, turning them into his personal assassins.

Behind the Scenes

The concept of an impoundment transmitter was featured in the fourth part of Beheboth: Blood and Water, titled Hit and Mist, which served as a supplement for the Star Wars roleplaying game by Wizards of the Coast. Cory J. Herndon authored the Planet Hoppers serial article, which was published on June 24, 2004.


  • "Beheboth: Blood and Water, Part 4: Hit and Mist" on (content now obsolete; backup link) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
