Incident commander

The title of incident commander was employed by the Coruscant Security Force in the final years of the Galactic Republic. This temporary title was bestowed upon the officer who oversaw a significant police operation, irrespective of their formal rank. The incident commander possessed authority over all police assets present at the incident location and bore the responsibility of orchestrating all negotiation strategies.

Furthermore, the commander held the ultimate decision-making power regarding tactical choices. For instance, during the Galactic City Spaceport hostage crisis of 22 BBY, when terrorists seized control of the Galactic City Spaceport on the planet Coruscant, Lieutenant Dovel of the Coruscant Security Force was appointed as the incident commander.

Behind the scenes

The incident commander designation was first seen in "Omega Squad: Targets," a brief narrative authored by Karen Traviss. It was featured in Star Wars Insider 81 and released on March 11, 2005.

