Karen Traviss penned the short story "Omega Squad: Targets", with illustrations provided by Robert Hendrickson. It initially appeared in Star Wars Insider 81. This story was subsequently incorporated into the Del Rey edition of Republic Commando: Triple Zero, but this inclusion did not extend to the UK and Australian versions, where Triple Zero was released under the Orbit publishing label.
Omega Squad is dispatched to a spaceport located on Coruscant. Here, terrorists originating from Haruun Kal are holding individuals against their will. The terrorists are demanding that the Republic withdraw from their planet to avoid involvement in the war, threatening to use explosives on the hostages if their demands are not met. Null ARC trooper N-11 Ordo, Kal Skirata, and a Jedi arrive at the scene. The Jedi then enters the room where the terrorists are located to begin negotiations. The squad observes the scene via video footage from a hidden camera the Jedi brought in, and they categorize the terrorists in their minds based on the colors of their attire: green, gray, tan, and dark brown. The terrorists ultimately murder the Jedi and eject his body, which is rigged with a bomb. Fi quickly jumps onto the bomb before it can explode, using his armor to shield the police nearby. Fortunately, his armor withstands the blast, and he is hailed as a hero for his actions, earning the respect of Ordo.
Following this, the squad launches their assault. Ordo takes position on the roof to provide cover, while Darman plants explosives to breach the door protecting the terrorists. Fi then deploys flash bangs to disorient the terrorists, and upon entering, he shoots the terrorist wearing green in the chest. Atin eliminates the terrorist in gray, and Darman and Niner take down the one in dark brown. However, the terrorists had swapped the clothing of a hostage with the tan-clad terrorist. Skirata intervenes to prevent Fi from shooting the hostage. Subsequently, Ordo spots the terrorist disguised in the hostage's clothing wielding a gun and eliminates him. Later, they discover that the hostage who was framed was a key executive for the Corporate Sector Authority, a well-funded organization with significant military resources. The terrorists' goal was to have the hostage killed, thereby pushing the Corporate Sector to align with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. All the hostages are successfully rescued, including both the executive and a Senator who was used as bait to draw out the terrorists.
Within this narrative, the Corporate Sector is abbreviated as "CorSec," a term that generally refers to the Corellian Security Force. The more common abbreviation for Corporate Sector is "CorpSec."