Dovel was a police officer of the Human species and male gender, residing on the planet of Coruscant. He was a member of the Coruscant Security Force, achieving the rank of Lieutenant by the time the Clone Wars began between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In the year 22 BBY, Dovel held the position of Incident commander during a hostage situation at the Galactic City Spaceport, which was initiated by Korun terrorists. Due to a senator being among the hostages, the Senate Guard, under the command of Commander Jaller Obrim, was dispatched to support the CSF. Given the high-profile nature of the event, Clone commando Omega Squad was also sent to assist. Dovel initially opposed storming the spaceport, preferring to wait for the arrival of a Jedi negotiator, specifically Jedi Master [Kaim], leading to disagreements with Commander Obrim regarding command authority. However, the terrorists killed Master Kaim during the negotiation process. Following this event, Dovel authorized Omega Squad to proceed with storming the building. They successfully eliminated the terrorists, thereby resolving the siege.
Dovel's initial appearance was in Omega Squad: Targets, a short story penned by Karen Traviss. It was featured in Star Wars Insider 81 in March of 2005.