Indrexu sector

The Indrexu sector represented a sector in close proximity to the Tion Cluster within the Outer Rim territories of the galaxy.

Ank Ki'Shor, Janodral Mizar, Estaria, and Endregaad were some of the planets found within the Indrexu sector.

Within this sector resided the Indrexu Spiral, an astrographic anomaly that was almost impossible to traverse due to its composition of proto-matter and gas.


The Indrexu sector and its surrounding sectors

Initially dubbed Far Indrexu, this region came to light during the expansion of Xim the Despot's empire around 25,100 BBY. Subsequently, it evolved into the Indrexu Confederation, which was among the numerous fiefdoms that emerged from the remnants of Xim's empire. The Indrexu Confederation ceased to exist when the cluster became part of the Republic. During the Old Republic era, the region was absorbed into the Tion Hegemony.

When the Galactic Empire divided the Tion Hegemony into several sectors, the Indrexu sector was established in the same geographic area previously occupied by the Indrexu Confederation.

