Influenza necrosi, a lethal and artificially created version of the flu, was unearthed by the Galactic Empire with the intention of deploying it as a bioweapon.
Influenza necrosi originated within the thick rainforests of the world Gobindi. The virus's progression diverged significantly from typical infections found across the galaxy, transforming the infected individual into a living vector. The initial infection phase closely mirrored standard influenza, manifesting as a sore throat, nasal congestion, fever, and profound weariness. As the host weakened from the initial phase, the secondary infection phase commenced, marked by escalating fatigue. The subsequent, and final, phase was gruesome; it induced a profuse, viscous perspiration that enveloped the victim in a gelatinous substance. At this point, the virus commandeered the body's motor functions, bestowing upon the newly formed "blob monster" a rudimentary form of sentience. These "blob monsters" would then assault others by launching strands of their slime, which acted as a conduit for viral transmission.
The Shi'ido named Borborygmus Gog leveraged Imperial research concerning the virus in his endeavor known as Starscream. The Gobindi people left an antidote on a ziggurat, and its discovery ultimately rescued both Zak and Tash Arranda.