Located within the Outer Rim Territories' Atrivis sector, Iridium was a celestial body. Most notably, it served as the base of operations for the notorious Pirates of Iridium. These pirates were known for employing Iridium "power gems" to neutralize the defensive screens of targeted vessels, which allowed them to plunder hyperspace routes in the Atrivis sector for approximately a year. Their reign of terror was brought to an end by a combined force of Jedi Knights and Judicial forces from the Galactic Republic, who decisively defeated the piratical group in a major conflict that took place above Vuchelle in 22 BBY.

Iridium, a world situated in the Atrivis sector within the vast expanse of the Outer Rim Territories, gained notoriety as the home base of the Pirates of Iridium in the years preceding the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars. For approximately a year, these marauders frequently attacked shipping lanes in the Atrivis sector, seizing cereal crops and valuable seasonings. The pirates were particularly feared due to their use of Iridium "power gems," which emitted an energy field capable of disabling starship shielding systems. This advantage allowed them to conduct successful raids, until a joint force of Jedi and Republic Judicial forces confronted them in a significant engagement over the planet Vuchelle.
Later in galactic history, Iridium was located within the territory controlled by the Pentastar Alignment between 4 ABY and 12 ABY.
During the early stages of the Clone Wars, a pirate organization resided on Iridium, including Humans such as the individual known as Raskar. Galactic Republic sources believed that they were operating as privateers for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, utilizing Longprow attack cruisers, #2 Warpod pinnaces, and Z-95 Headhunter fighters. However, this pirate group was completely defeated and scattered in 22 BBY during the fighting above Vuchelle.
Iridium was initially mentioned in The Power Gem, a comic strip created by Archie Goodwin with illustrations by Al Williamson. It was published weekly by the Los Angeles Times Syndicate from July to October of 1982. The comic strip did not explicitly state that Iridium was a planet, only using it as part of the name of the pirate organization. However, the Star Wars Encyclopedia later confirmed its status as a planet. The HoloNet News website referenced the planet again in the lead-up to the release of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, detailing the destruction of the pirate group that was first mentioned in the original comic strip. It was also included in The Essential Atlas.
The name of the planet, "Iridium," seems to be inspired by the real-world element that is found in meteorites.