The Jal Shey represented an ancient order of individuals sensitive to the Force, approaching its study from a purely intellectual standpoint. This set them apart from the more spiritually inclined Jedi and Sith. Typically, the Jal Shey were renowned for their diplomatic skills, rivaling even the most skilled Jedi negotiators. However, in contrast to both the Jedi and Sith, they found less success in physical endeavors, even those involving the Force. Furthermore, the Jal Shey were a nomadic group, traversing the galaxy in their quest to discover new locations for Force study, and they exercised considerable discretion when selecting new members.
Due to their lack of Jedi-like physical prowess, Jal Shey members frequently donned various kinds of protective gear for self-defense. They also engineered devices like Jal Shey meditation gloves and Jal Shey belts to further bolster their physical capabilities by infusing them with the Force. The Jal Shey were structured into three tiers: mentors, advisors, and neophytes. The organization persisted into the era of the Galactic Empire, but became a target for Imperial persecution during the Great Jedi Purge. Imperial commander Roly Melusar once considered deploying Imperial commandos to hunt down the Jal Shey.
The Jal Shey order was regarded as one of the most ancient traditions involving the use of the Force as far back as 4000 BBY. By the time of the Jedi Civil War, they had become widely known, and items crafted by them were discoverable throughout the galaxy. Their nomadic nature meant they didn't settle permanently in one place, instead seeking out locations that could deepen their understanding of the Force. However, the Jal Shey were more than just scholars and observers; they actively participated in the societies they encountered, leveraging their knowledge to improve the lives of those around them. The Jedi, for the most part, simply viewed them as another Force-using group akin to the Zeison Sha. In the aftermath of the Great Sith War, they wandered the galaxy and were seen as militant, yet they held onto their philosophy of examining the Force intellectually rather than spiritually. The Mabari, a group of warrior knights residing on the planet Zolan, ultimately evolved from the teachings of the Jal Shey. The Jal Shey were still around circa 19 BBY, during the establishment of the Galactic Empire. Roly Melusar, the commander of the Imperial Commando Special Unit, at one point contemplated sending his Imperial commandos after Force-users other than the Jedi, including the Altisian Jedi and the Jal Shey.
The Jal Shey organized themselves into three distinct classifications. Mentors were recognized for their deep intelligence and comprehension of the Force, holding a status comparable to that of a Jedi Master. Peet Sieben was a known Jal Shey mentor. Advisors were assigned to diplomatic missions and could be found across the galaxy. Neophytes were new recruits who studied under mentors until they were prepared to undertake investigative and diplomatic assignments themselves.
The Jal Shey were particularly skilled in diplomacy, negotiation, and lively debate. Jal Shey members could be found acting as negotiators in a range of disputes, from minor disagreements to intricate negotiated settlements of major conflicts, including wars. They were highly regarded for their diplomatic abilities, with comparisons drawn between Jedi and Jal Shey negotiators. By utilizing the Force, they could often surprise their opponents, keeping them off balance.
The Jal Shey welcomed Force-users from various worlds and species, but they were selective, only choosing those they believed would embrace the Jal Shey way of life and contribute to their scholarly and diplomatic endeavors. Individuals perceived as influenced by the dark side and those with a strong inclination for combat were typically excluded. They were not known to be particularly numerous.
They did not feel bound to any single location, instead moving from place to place in search of environments that would enhance their understanding of the Force. Studying phenomena like Force nexuses, the histories of different species, and other Force traditions, the Jal Shey used their extensive knowledge of the Force to assist others in reaching their full potential.

Many Jal Shey learned basic lightsaber techniques for self-defense, but they rarely specialized in them. Unlike the Jedi, the Jal Shey avoided physical pursuits, preferring to deepen their understanding of the Force, negotiate settlements, and imbue items with the Force.
Given their lack of focus on physical exercise or combat, they preferred to use their skills to create armor, belts, and other items to enhance their own Force powers. The Jal Shey eventually mastered the art of creating items that not only amplified the abilities of the creator when worn but also benefited anyone who wore or used them. Even robes made and worn by Jal Shey could provide a positive effect to the wearer. Jal Shey perception gloves or meditation gloves were worn during meditation to enhance the user's awareness, while standard Jal Shey belts and the more potent belts worn by mentors could grant mental fortitude against the dark side of the Force. The light armor worn by Jal Shey, like the Jal Shey themselves, was described as having an aura of dignity and competence and did not hinder the wearer's use of Force powers. There were various types of armor, depending on the Jal Shey's rank, with each successively higher rank providing greater benefits to the wearer than lower ranks.
In Knights of the Old Republic II, there are numerous player-usable items created by the Jal Shey. Because their armor doesn't restrict Force powers like most armor, Jal Shey items can be advantageous for characters who specialize in Force skills. The Jal Shey themselves didn't directly appear in the game, though a brief description of their philosophy was included in the in-game description of each item.
The Jal Shey later appeared in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide and one of its web enhancements, which expanded upon their backstory. The campaign guide also detailed their known Force talents and elaborated on their role in the galaxy. They received mention in the sourcebook Scum and Villainy, and also had a brief entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which portrayed them as "militant" and wandering the galaxy in the years following the Great Sith War.
Author Karen Traviss referenced them in two of her novels, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Imperial Commando: 501st. Notably, these novels identified an individual Jal Shey mentor, Peet Sieben, and confirmed that the Jal Shey were still an active Force-using sect as of 19 BBY.