Jal Te Gniev was a quarrelsome and seasoned Human male pilot who served the Rebel Alliance.

This experienced pilot, Jal, had completed 31 missions and taken down 80 TIE Fighters by the time the Battle of Yavin occurred.
However, he was unable to participate in the Battle of Yavin because he contracted measles. Luke Skywalker used his X-wing, while Red Eight Bren Quersey took his position in Red Squadron, ultimately being killed in combat. Gniev harbored intense resentment towards Skywalker, believing he was robbed of his deserved glory in destroying the first Death Star, especially given his extensive service record with the Rebel Alliance.
At the Alliance's Massassi Base, he almost got into a fight with Wedge Antilles when a false alarm sounded. Jumping the gun, Jal drunkenly rushed to his fighter and deployed the S-foils prematurely, causing the wings to scrape against the hangar wall, resulting in the fighter crashing into a nearby tree. Consequently, he was summoned before the Alliance High Command. General Jan Dodonna attempted to elicit an explanation for Gniev's actions, but Gniev refused to cooperate and begrudgingly accepted the council's decision to reassign him to Dubrava as a recruiter.
While stationed on Dubrava, Gniev ventured into the local cantina and indulged in its selection of alcoholic beverages. A young Dubravan named Bobek discovered the cantina and expressed his desire to join the Alliance. In a drunken stupor, Gniev blindfolded Bobek and led him to a trap door in the boardwalk, causing him to fall into the swampy waters below. Humiliated and disillusioned, Bobek departed. Also while intoxicated, Gniev mentioned "Skywalker" to Nevana, who then relayed it to Sarma. Soon, Imperial forces learned of the name and began searching for its source: Gniev. A squad of stormtroopers raided the cantina and set it on fire, resulting in the deaths of numerous Dubravans.
Gniev narrowly escaped, only to encounter two stormtroopers a short distance away. By chance, Bobek was nearby and eliminated one of the troopers. The second trooper shot Bobek, and Gniev subsequently drowned him. Bobek confessed to acquiring the blaster with the intention of killing Gniev, but instead used it against the Galactic Empire when the opportunity presented itself. With Bobek's passing, Gniev reflected on his actions and resolved to rescue Luke Skywalker, whose life he had endangered.

Gniev then secured a Z-95 Headhunter and flew it to Jazbina in order to save Skywalker. Skywalker, in the meantime, had become involved with Lord Prepredenko and Princess Syayna. With the arrival of Darth Vader and an Interdictor-class Star Destroyer that prevented anyone from escaping the planet, the situation on Jazbina appeared dire. Gniev landed on the planet and assisted Skywalker and Syayna in their efforts to save it. Piloting Skywalker's X-wing, Gniev flew into space to engage the Interdictor. Amused, the Imperial captain instructed his crew to lower the shields and deploy a squadron of TIE fighters, assuming the lone fighter was attempting to flee. However, Gniev, solely focused on protecting his comrades below, pressed forward through the approaching TIEs and entered the Interdictor's hangar bay before the crew could reactivate the shields. Inside, he unleashed his entire payload of proton torpedoes into the core of the warship. The resulting massive explosion consumed him and crippled the Imperial effort to conquer Jazbina. Gniev's tragic sacrifice ultimately saved Jazbina.